2023 Advent Parish Events & Advent Adventures

Welcome to Advent Adventure

We hope that you will find Holy Heroes Advent Adventure to be a fun and easy way to help your children grow in faith, hope, and charity, while you enjoy a more peaceful Advent!

Here is what you can expect this Advent:

Every day you will receive the daily Advent Adventure email the evening before. This will give you time to review and prepare materials for the next day.

There is A LOT of content in Advent Adventure so don't feel like you need to do everything! Feel free to pick the resources that work best for your family and skip the rest. Remember: this should be an enjoyable experience to help your family prepare for Christmas!

Advent Adventure for December 14

Here are three quick things for today:
  • --Today has two Advent Adventure videos–one a Gospel video for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and the second explains what the Immaculate Conception IS.
  • --Today’s Jesse Tree video is Ruth.
  • --Today’s resources include activities, coloring pages, and printouts for additional prayers.--

Advent Adventure for December 10

Today you get to light two candles on your Advent Wreath!
Here are three quick things about today’s page:
  • - - Today’s Advent Adventure video is for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Gospel (for both the Novus Ordo and Traditional Latin Mass).
  • - - Today’s Jesse Tree video is about Jacob, the Son of Isaac.
  • - - Today’s resources include activities (with a coloring page) and additional prayer

Advent Adventure for December 7

Here are three quick things about today’s page:

-- Today’s Advent Adventure video introduces the Angelus so we can pray that in addition to the 2nd Joyful Mystery (audio only).
-- Today’s Jesse Tree video is about Noah.
-- Today’s resources include activities and printouts for daily prayers.




The Empty Manger: Each child may have his own individual manger, or there may be one manger for the whole family. The idea is that when acts of service, sacrifice, or kindness are done in honor of Baby Jesus as a birthday present, the child receives a piece of straw to put into the manger. Then, on Christmas morning, Baby Jesus is placed in the manger. Encourage your children to make Jesus bed as comfortable as possible through their good deeds. In the process, explain Christ's incomparable self-gift at Christmas and Easter that enables us to be part of God's family.


The Jesse Tree:  The Jesse tree tells about Christ's ancestry through symbols and relates Scripture to salvation history, progressing from creation to the birth of Christ. The tree can be made on a poster board with the symbols glued on, or on an actual tree. For further information read, Advent and Christmas in a Catholic Home.


St. Nicholas Day:  The feast of Saint Nicholas is on December 6. It is a highlight of the Advent season. Each child puts out a shoe the night before St. Nicholas Day in the hope that the kind bishop with his miter, staff, and bag of gifts will pay a visit. The current Santa Claus is modeled after St. Nicholas, but commercialism has tarnished the true story. Many families give gifts on both December 6 and Christmas. Read about Saint Nicholas in your favorite saints book.