Cursillo Movement / De Colores
Seeks to empower lay people (men and women) to be more effective Christians via a three-day retreat sponsored by the...
Promotes love and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Recruits people to sign-up for Adoration from Monday to Friday, between 1PM...
Charismatic Prayer Community
Meets to praise and worship Our Lord through songs and the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Also...
Divine Mercy Apostolate
Gathers every Saturday at 2PM for the cenacle to spread the message of love and mercy of the Lord. Also...
Grupo de Oración/Prayer Group
Lleva a las personas a un encuentro personal con el Señor Resucitado para la curación de la vida personal. Se...
Legion of Mary
Serves through prayer and active cooperation with Mary and the Church’s work. Participates in the life of the parish through...