The 2025 (January to June) Mass Intentions Calendar is now open.

Book a Mass Intention or Memorial for a Loved One

Mass Intentions

The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and meaningful part of our Catholic tradition. In our Parish, there are many requests for scheduling such Mass intentions. The online reservation system will help make this process easier and help keep everyone safe by booking their Mass Intentions from their own home.

To allow everyone a fair chance to book special dates, a maximum of 4 Masses may be reserved per household.

Only 1 Mass Intention will be accepted for each Mass. It can be one person, a married couple, a parent and child, or one Family, (Example Smith Family). Click the link to see list of available Masses, reserve and make your offering online.

Dedicate the Altar Flowers, Shrine Candles and Tabernacle Lamp

Other than offering Mass intentions, you now have the opportunity to dedicate the Altar Flowers, Shrine Candles and Tabernacle Lamp in memory of deceased loved ones, to request for healing, to celebrate milestones like birthday, wedding anniversary; or in thanksgiving for answered prayers.

These symbols and ornaments on the sanctuary are marks of honor to remind the faithful of the presence of Christ, and serve as profession of their love and affection.

Now you can select Memorial Intentions, select which weekend you would like the memorial(s) to appear, reserve and make your offering online.

If you can’t book online, in person Mass Intentions will be accepted in the Parish Office on Thursdays 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please call ahead to schedule an appointment 925-574-7400.

Request a Prayer for the Sick or Deceased

Your prayer requests for parishioners, family and friends who are sick, have special needs or deceased can now be submitted online.

Please complete this form and their name will be added to our weekly bulletin.