“Do whatever He tells you”

As we settle back in for the Ordinary Time in our liturgical calendar, our Gospel passage takes us to that familiar scene of Jesus turning water into wine at the Wedding Feast at Cana. Jesus’ presence at that wedding feast...

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Living Out Our Baptism

Many us of, and I dare say “myself included”, are conscious of dates, important calendar events that mark milestones in our lives: birthdays, wedding anniversaries, feast days of our favorite saints, or even days when our loved ones passed. And...

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Consecrating the New Year to Mary

I have always wondered about the connection between Mary and the New Year. And now, it becomes clear to me that we are not only to absorb events as they happen, but to try to understand their meaning and God’s...

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Holy Eucharist as “School of Love”

It is such a great blessing that on Christmas weekend, we also celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family so that we can reflect together on the purpose of being family. In God’s plan, the family is supposed to be...

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