Happy Easter! We made it! Alleluia!

Through a particularly difficult, but beneficially so (at least for me), Lenten Season, we made it to Easter. Alleluia, alleluia! Lent is difficult. Not only because of our fasting, prayer and almsgiving, but deep down; spiritually – Lent is a...

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By Alejandro Báez, S.J. Today, after, twelfth years of formation as Jesuit and six earlier years as a Scalabrianian seminarian, I feel very blessed to be approved to be ordained transitional deacon and eventually to the priesthood. My understanding of...

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The Day that Changed Forever

Death. It comes to all things. Death. It will one day claim us. Death. Death. Not intended by God, but inherited by all due to the sin. How much humanity lost when our first parents turned from God! Eternal happiness,...

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