2nd Sunday of Lent

Last Sunday, especially at the noon Mass where we had families and friends of our pioneers and service awardees, the Church was buzzing with so much life! I have never seen, heard and experienced Saint Raymond’s that way in the last 10 months I have been here, and it was overwhelming! I have no words to express my joy for this blessing of being able to safely and reverently gather now in person, and to celebrate together the Sacraments and high moments of our life as a faith community! I am so looking forward to having more services and events later to meet all of you, and thank you for your continued engagement, particularly as we celebrate our 60 parish founding anniversary.

This Sunday at the 12PM Mass, we welcome our candidates and catechumens as they enter the final stretch of their preparation to receive the Easter sacraments. We are excited that they have persevered amidst the challenges of meeting online, including being away from physical connection with the church institution they will be part of come Easter time. Special thanks to our team led by Father Bob Mendonca and Rich Vivrette for their dedication and creativity! A unique, blessed year, for sure!

At the Masses this weekend, too, we are kicking-off our Bishop’s Appeal 2021 with members of our parish speaking, and a video message from Bishop Barber played, to campaign for greater support and participation. We are grateful for the turn-out of last year’s Appeal, and are hopeful for a renewed enthusiasm this year from all of you.

Next week, on March 4 at 7PM, we have the Parish Reconciliation Service where we have at least ten priests available to hear confessions in different languages – English, Spanish, Filipino, Chinese and Vietnamese. I invite you to take this opportune time to experience the healing embrace and peace of the Lord in this Sacrament, and hence be moved to be instruments of healing and peace to others, as well. This we ultimately do in our collective desire to dive deeper into the disciplines of Lent: penance, fasting and almsgiving.

Peace and blessings,

Father Erick