Prayer for the 2023 Diocesan Eucharistic Revival Congress

God our Father, we ask You to look with favor upon Your Church as we prepare with joyful hope to celebrate the Eucharistic Revival Congress here in the Diocese of Oakland.

Help us to better welcome the gift of Your Son Jesus Christ who assured His disciples with these words: “I Am With You Always”, the same words inspiring us to embark on this journey of missionary discipleship.

Send forth Your Holy Spirit upon us that we may appreciate You more fully each time we gather for the Sacred Banquet, and become messengers of the Good News to a world hungry and thirsty for Your Truth and Love.

Following the example of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, may we always stay beneath Your cross, and at the same time, offer ourselves in service as Your beloved and faith-filled sons and daughters. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,

God, for ever and ever.
