Prayer to Overcome Fear by Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

Dear Father,
My heart and mind are flooded with fears.
Sometimes I am paralyzed, 
I feel unable to go on.
These fears are overwhelming, they remain with me day and night.

Yet I hold onto your truth.

You have told us not to fear, for you have overcome the world.
So I cling to you, I trust in your promises,
that you will never fail me, never forsake me.

In moments of such crippling fear,
I choose to hold your hand.
I know you have experienced the most fearful places,
I know that you have risen again.

In you all promises meet and new life begins.

You are my Savior,
I hide in you,
protected by your love,
and sheltered by your grace.
My Father.



(For the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2023)