Value of Human Work

On Labor Day weekend, let us pause to reflect on the meaning and value of human work as a participation in Almighty God’s act of creation; recalling that the Lord’s principal work is the Incarnation – to be with us in the world, to save us. And one of those in Nazareth who accepted that mission and allowed the Lord to do His work within her is Mary, a sharp contrast to most Nazarenes who were initially amazed at Jesus’ words, but did not want Him to do that work. They went from amazement, to incredulity, to doubt, to murderous thoughts and actions.

Today, more than ever, we are reminded that we are Jesus’ family, even more than the Nazarenes, but we, like Mary, need to allow Him to do His work in us through the work of our human hands. God created us to be stewards of His creation. Since each of us is made in the image of God and bound by His love, possessing a profound human dignity, we have a mission to love and honor that dignity in one another, and especially in our work.

Speaking of mission, this week is also dedicated as Mission Appeal Weekend with Father Alex Pacheco joining us from the Diocese of Stockton. Let us pray for his advocacy, and be generous in our giving.

Sono semipro grate,
Father Erick

(For the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time)