Silent Prayer is a gateway to deepening our relationship with God, Amid the noises around and the distractions within, God knows that you are seeking Him and is not going to judge you harshly for your faltering attempts. God is looking at your love and your desire and, in time, you will be drawn into silent prayer by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
The period of Silent Prayer is a time in which you do nothing and say nothing; only breathe the breath of God within. Your life is lived within Christ and it is the prayer of Christ. Within you God loves His Son and the Son returns that love to His father.
At the end of the prayer period, remain in silence with eyes closed for a couple of minutes. This will give you time to readjust to the world around and enable you to carry the atmosphere of peace and inner stillness into daily life.
A Prayer for Silent Moments
God, who longs for us to hear your voice, and waits in the sheer silence for us to recognize your presence, meet me in this quiet moment. Silence my loud, tumultuous thoughts, and grant my brain rest. Help me let go of my distractions, and my desire to be distracted, to simply sit here with you. And, as the silence unsettles my spirit, let the waves of your peace and presence wash over me.
(For the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024)