Registration is Open

Select a program to learn more and to register

Growing Your Faith

At St. Raymond, our Faith Formation programs are open to anyone wishing to continue nurturing the gift of faith.


Completing Your Sacraments

Preparation for 1st Eucharist, 1st Reconciliation and Teen Confirmation are offered as part of our sacramental prep program for children and teens. Sacramental prep for adults is part of our RCIA program.

Volunteer as a Faith Formation Catechist


We are always looking for catechists for our:

  • --Religious Education Program for our 1st-5th grade students
  • (Adults or middle school/ high school student leaders)
  • --EDGE Middle School Youth Group for our 6th-8th grade students (High school student leaders)
  • --High School Confirmation for our 9th-12th grade students (Adults or post-Confirmation high school student leaders)

If you would like to volunteer to be a Catechist please contact:

Maggie Ringle- Religious Education Director- 925-574-7413

Loremae Hom- EDGE & Confirmation Coordinator- 925-574-7410

Susy Cano- Faith Formation Admin Assistant- 925-574-7414