Provides an athletic program for the children and youth of the parish community and strives to enhance their spiritual, mental and physical development. Parents interested in coaching are always needed.


Contact Us:
Tim Sbranti (


Registration opens in February for Track & Field

  • Cross Country from July 1-August 15
  • Basketball from July 1-September 1
  • Track and Field through the month of February (open to those in the CCOP boundaries)

Click here to REGISTER and PAY


Click this link to pay

CYO Basketball $325
CYO Cross Country $50
CYO Track & Field $75


Click here to volunteer as a coach

Note: St. Raymond's Cross Country is seeking additional adults who are available to register with the Diocese and volunteer to be an Assistant Coach. Volunteers do not need to be experienced with Cross Country. They do need to have the appropriate temperament to work with the K-8 age bracket and the availability to attend Monday practices and Friday Meets. Coach Gan will be creating all programming, and Assistant Coaches will implement. If interested in volunteering, please email coach Laura directly at



Thank you for your interest in participating in athletics at St. Raymond's. Our Parish sponsors the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) as one dimension of its total ministry to youth.

Athletic programs can help young people to practice Christian attitudes and responsibilities. In CYO programs, emphasis rests not on the number of games won or lost, but on the participants' attitude in victory or defeat. Learning how to lose is just as important as learning how to win. Learning how to win graciously is more important than winning itself.

CYO programs serve the needs of all youth. They enable the gifted to excel, but they give all participants the opportunity to compete and improve their skills. All participants should respect others on their own team and the opposing team.

Participants in our program should have a spirit of loyalty to CYO ideals, to the Parish, to the coach, and to the team. They should learn patience with and tolerance of those of less ability. They should feel grateful to all who make the CYO program happen, while their speech and actions should reflect Christian values while competing.

Ultimate responsibility for the success of CYO programs lies with the volunteer adult participants. Adults involved in CYO must remember that the program exists for the Christian growth of young people. Conduct of adults must always model Christian values and virtues. When adults remain faithful to the Christian ideals of CYO, they exercise a unique and rewarding ministry to the young with whom they come in contact.

"Run to win," St. Paul advises (I Cor. 9:24). In CYO athletics, all who compete in a spirit of fair play and sportsmanship are winners. Welcome aboard, and best wishes to all for a great season.

God Bless,

Tim Sbranti
Athletic Director
St. Raymond CYO