Welcome to the first year of our two-year Confirmation program at St. Raymond’s!

It is our aim to make this Confirmation program a hands-on, experience-based, lived-out faith walk that invites our teens into a real relationship with Christ and His Church.

During this year, teens will find their sponsors to walk this journey of formation with them. Teens and sponsors will attend a retreat day on Saturday, October 26th from 8:30am-1:00pm here at the parish to prepare them for the responsibilities of becoming/sponsoring a fully confirmed Catholic.

Teens will participate in formation sessions on  Sunday afternoons from 3:00-4:30pm in Moran Hall.

Teens will attend weekly Sunday mass (with their parents) and be taught how to serve in the liturgical ministries for our 5:00pm Sunday youth mass.

Teens will get to attend a winter retreat on Friday, January 31- Sunday, February 2  to be given the opportunity to dive deeper into their faith and have an experience with Christ.

We are so thrilled to have your teens in our program.



Please mark your calendar and attend our mandatory information meeting on Sunday, August 18th at 3:00pm in Moran Hall.

Your Year 1 calendar can be found linked below.





Welcome to the second year of Confirmation at St. Raymond’s!

This summer, the teens will hopefully have had enough time in discernment, prayer, and formation to make an informed decision for themselves regarding celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Please note prior to program beginning in September, teens must have completed year one of Confirmation.

We intend to make our second year of Confirmation a deep dive into living out the Catholic faith. Building on their first year, teens will be given more opportunities to get involved in their faith through their sessions, retreats, service opportunities, etc.

Teens will participate in formation sessions on Sunday evenings from 6:30- 8:00pm in Moran Hall.

Teens will attend weekly Sunday mass (with their parents) and be reminded how to serve in the liturgical ministries for our 5:00pm Sunday youth mass.

Teens will get to attend a fall retreat in order to solidify their relationship with Christ.

  • -Fall retreat at Camp Arroyo in Livermore on December 13-15, 2024


We are so thrilled to have your teens returning (or transferring into) our Year 2 program.


Please mark your calendar and attend our mandatory information meeting on Sunday August 18th at 6:15pm in Moran Hall.







Year 1 Snacks (Parents)- All year

Year 2 Snacks (Parents)- All year


Confirmation Year 2 Interviews


Palm and Rosary Sale (Teens)- April 12-13, 2025

VBC Paint Party (Teens)- March 29- 30, 2025



If you miss a Confirmation session, you can make it up by attending a make-up class on one of the following Mondays.  Make- up classes will take place in the youth room from 7:00- 8:30 pm. Please sign-up by clicking on the date if you are planning to attend to ensure the make-up class does not get canceled.


Loremae Hom, Youth Ministry Coordinator

Susy Cano, Faith Formation Admin Assistant

Visit us on our Instagram page @straymondyouth


We need your help!

If you are someone who loves your faith and is being called to share it with our young people then please consider joining our Confirmation catechist team. We are a group of adults and post-Confirmation high school students who are invested in sharing the Catholic faith with the next generation of teens preparing to be fully initiated into the Church.

It may sound scary, working with teenagers, but as long as you are someone who authentically cares and is present to these young people who are trying to figure out their lives, you will be ok (I promise!).

All materials, resources, and trainings are provided for teaching.

You will have a small group of teenagers that you will get to know and grow alongside as you accompany them during this portion of their faith journey.

Will it fit into your schedule? (For the 24-25 school year)

  • -Year 1 Confirmation meets on Sunday afternoons from 3:00-4:30pm weekly
    • --We have an annual day retreat in the Spring
  • -Year 2 Confirmation meets on Sunday afternoons from 6:30-8:00pm weekly
    • --We have two annual retreats, one in the Fall and one in the Spring



Loremae Hom (Confirmation Coordinator) at or 925-574-7410 to set up an appointment to chat about Confirmation and see if it is a good fit for you!