In Times of Loss in Our Lives

We have all known times of loss in our lives, when we lose something that is of great value to us. We lose loved ones in death and we may feel that a part of ourselves has died; has been...

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Living Out Our Baptism

As I write this message, I am on Day 4 of a 10-day pilgrimage to jubilee churches in Luzon, Philippines together with 25 friends from our Diocese. We are set to visit at least 20 churches (most are designated as...

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(On Entering the home) V: Peace be to this house. R: And to all who dwell herein. R: From the east came the Magi to Bethlehem to adore the Lord; and opening their treasures they offered precious gifts; gold for...

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New Year Prayer

Dear Lord, We pray that this New Year will bring us closer to You. May we take the time to get to know You. Help us to truly celebrate the gifts You have graciously given us and use them to...

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