Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

On January 24th, the Universal Church celebrated the memorial of Saint Thomas Aquinas, the patron of all Catholic educational establishments. Providentially, here at Saint Raymond School, we are kicking-off Catholics School Week this Sunday at the 12Noon Mass by recognizing school staff for their commitment and faith-filled years dedicated at the service of the Church through Catholic education. Congratulations to all our awardees – you are our unsung heroes!

Speaking of education, we are likewise overjoyed that our Faith Formation kids and second graders at school had already received their first Sacrament of Reconciliation as part of their on-going preparation (and anticipation) of their First Holy Communion. We are blessed to see them with their parents and siblings on those two occasions we had them gathered safely here at the church plaza. Needless to say, seeing them in person, however briefly and with masks on, truly brought so much joy in our hearts! Thanks to our Faith Formation and liturgy teams, and to your confessors, for making it happen! Next week, we will have the 6PM Masses on Tuesday and Wednesday (February 2 and 3) with our Faith Formation kids and families. Join us in-person or online for these Masses where blessing of the throats will also be included as we celebrate the memorial of Saint Blaise.

Finally, as we end the first month of the new year, I give thanks and glory to the Lord for the gift of you to our beloved parish and school community! Your joy is contagious, and your dedication truly inspiring. In a few days, Lent is here (yes, in 17 days!). We are accorded a fitting opportunity to reflect on our blessedness – our giftedness – as a community, and how we can together deepen our Lenten disciplines of fasting, prayers and almsgiving. Continue to be a gift and blessing to each other!

Peace and blessings,

Fr. Erick