Kicking off the 2017 Bishop’s Appeal

This weekend we are kicking off the 2017 Bishop’s Appeal, an annual opportunity for each of the 84 parishes in the diocese to fund essential programs and services which benefit each parish. St. Raymond has done well in supporting our goal for the appeal since I arrived. We’ve surpassed the goal each year except last year.  It’s time for us to once again make our best effort to meet, or ideally exceed, our goal of $59,125.00. As in the past, all funds collected which exceed our parish goal are returned directly to St. Raymond for our needs.

As we reflect on this opportunity, I’d like to help us once again appreciate the biblical value of sacrificial giving. God created us simply because he wanted someone to bestow His blessings upon. God delights in sharing His blessings upon us; both in terms of the faith God has given to us and in terms of the material blessings He bestows upon us. The Old Testament specifies that the first fruits of our material blessings are to be returned to God in thanksgiving. Note that it is the ‘first fruits’, not the leftovers – not as an afterthought! The traditional offering to God would be 10% of the first fruits of His people’s labors (Gen 28: 21-22). The same applies to us when it comes to sacrificial giving. It should be our first priority to return to God 10% of our first fruits in gratitude to God for blessings received.

Remember, the Oakland diocese and St. Raymond parish depend upon us. Unlike in some countries, the Catholic Church in the U.S. does not receive subsidies from the government. This is the best arrangement, I believe, but it does bring with it a responsibility. All of us are to participate, and not begrudgingly, to keep our parish and our diocese strong and serving our mission. Our generosity will be seen in secret, and God who sees in secret, will repays us (Matthew 6:4).

Many of us have already received a 2017 Bishop’s Appeal envelope in the mail. We are encouraged to make a one-time donation or a monthly pledge. I have decided to make a pledge, and I encourage you to do the same. This enables us to make a larger donation over the 10-month duration of the Appeal.

The 2017 Bishop’s Appeal supports programs and services that directly support our parishes. These include our children’s, youth and young adult ministries, CYO, marriage preparation programs, the ethnic pastoral centers, and our safe environment for children program and respect life ministries to name a few. Also supported are adult faith formation programs such as RCIA, parish evangelization, and catechetical training programs. Through the Appeal, parishes and Catholic schools in need are given capital improvement subsidies, and funding from the Appeal helps support seminarian education and our priest’s retirement and long term care needs. A complete list of beneficiaries can be found at the Diocese of Oakland website.

Commitment Weekend for the 2017 Bishop’s Appeal will be in two weeks. All of us will be encouraged to complete our pledge or donation in pew at Mass, or you can bring the envelope you received in the mail that weekend. Please join me in generously supporting the 2017 Bishop’s Appeal. With all of us pulling together toward our goal we will help our diocese, ourselves, and especially God’s good works in the many Catholic parishes in Alameda and Contra Costa county. Thank you.    

In Christ,

Fr. Lawrence