God with God!

In a few days, it will be a full year for me here at Saint Raymond’s! Same time last year, on Palm Sunday weekend, I remember celebrating the weekend Masses for the first time here with the church doors shut to the public, when everything was practically virtual, and nobody was allowed to be inside except the clergy living from the same household. From that point, a lot of things had happened, and looking back, I have so many words to say, but not enough really, to convey the joy and gratitude in my heart for your generosity, collaboration and patience.

One of the gifts of my young ministry here at Saint Raymond’s is really having the support of the clergy I am blessed to work with, and guys who have assisted in our collective desire to celebrate safe, dignified and reverent liturgies. I thank Father Mark, Father Bob and Deacon Rob for the “wisdom of experience” they extend my way; and Ramon and Abraham for the “novelty of youth” they never cease to offer me. I personally would not have grown and thrived the past months without them.

In a very special way, I take this moment to raise my hat in respect and gratitude to Abraham, our outgoing youth minister and young adults coordinator since September 2018. My transition as Parochial Administrator has been a lot smoother and more fun with his positive and contagious energy, and it will definitely be missed.

He for sure has made his mark not only with our youth and parents, but also to those he had whole-heartedly served at every Mass and liturgy training he was part of as our liturgist – a role he embraced with dedication and zeal as soon as I stepped in. For this, I am eternally grateful.

He will be with us until Easter Sunday, and spend a few more days to help with the rest of the youth programs and liturgy here at Saint Raymond’s, until he officially starts his new ministry in Orange Country where he plans to settle down with his wife after their wedding in June. Abraham has accepted a similar position at a church in Costa Mesa, which providentially carries the name of his home parish in Hayward – Saint Joachim!

Abraham once said he wants to be remembered as humble and ethical. He is, and that is how we will remember him – humble and ethical young man who is ready to continue with his journey. I am confident that he will grow wherever he is planted. Any church will be blessed to have him as part of the team.

We are definitely blessed here at Saint Raymond’s! We commit to pray for him, his new ministry and his exciting life ahead as husband and later on, father to many kids! (Note: Father Bob has committed to baptize the first 5!) And we will look forward to him visiting us here at Saint Raymond’s whenever he is able sometime in the future. Go with God, Abraham!


Speaking of blessings, I am excited that a new priest from the Archdiocese of Agaña (Guam) will be here with us for Holy Week and Easter to assist at serving and celebrating the Masses. Father William Mamangun, a native of Pampanga in the Philippines, has only been a priest for almost 4 months, and he is a good friend from Saint Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park. We warmly welcome him here at Saint Raymond’s! Here is a recording of his ordination last December 12, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe!

Peace and blessings,
Father Erick

(Message for Palm Sunday 2021)