Requesting Homebound Visits on Ash Wednesday

In line with the Diocese of Oakland’s definitive instructions about distribution of Ashes specific only to those present at Mass and those who are infirmed, homebound and those in the hospitals or care homes, we request that you inform the parish office of your desire for Ashes to be brought to you or your infirmed/sick relatives and friends at least two weeks before Ash Wednesday so our commissioned homebound ministers can schedule a visit to them.

We will ensure that your request is accommodated in accord to these policies set by the Diocese and your church, Saint Raymond.

Contact the Parish Office to schedule the visit for the imposition of Ashes at home, hospital or care home.

Ashes are symbols at best of the fervent desire to enter the disciplines on Lent which are prayer, fasting and almsgiving, but do not replace the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist which our homebound ministers are commissioned to bring to the infirmed, particularly on Ash Wednesday.

Again, only our commissioned homebound ministers and clergy are allowed to bring ashes to those requesting them outside the six scheduled Masses on February 22.

Thank you for your understanding.

Looking forward to a grace-filled celebration of the Lenten season through fasting, prayer and almsgiving.

Peace and Blessings!

Father Erick

(For the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time)