St. Ignatius of Loyola and Contemplative Prayer

Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish priest who founded the Jesuit order in the 16th century. He is well known for his spiritual exercises and instruction on the discernment of spirits. In his spiritual exercises, he encouraged a form of imaginative prayer called contemplative prayer, where you enter into a Scripture passage using your imagination, letting the scene unfold.

Here are the steps on how to enter into contemplative prayer, according to Saint Ignatius:

    • Pray. Ask the Lord for a specific grace (e.g., to know him more, for healing, etc.).


    • Read the Gospel passage.


    • Imagine the scene overall: Take a “wide shot” of the scene.


    • Visualize the people involved. Use your imagination to “zoom in” on the people.


    • Be aware of your five senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching) and the faces and emotions of the people around you.


    • Place yourself in the scene.


    • Notice what is happening in your heart as you watch this scene take place.


    • Listen and watch what is being said and done by the people there.


    • Speak. Have a conversation with Jesus about what is happening in your heart. Tell him your concerns, and ask for advice or for what you need.

  • Review the time of prayer, and close with a familiar prayer (e.g., the Our Father, Hail Mary, etc.)



(For the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024)