“The Lord writes straight even with crooked lines”

This Sunday’s Gospel narrative according to the tradition of Mark presents Jesus addressing Peter in two very contrasting ways. He initially addresses him as the “Rock”: ‘You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church.’ However, within the space of a few verses, Jesus then addresses Peter as “Satan”: ‘Get behind me Satan! You are an obstacle in my path.’

Having identified Peter as the rock on which He can build His church, and then quickly calling him as a stumbling stone, an obstacle on His path because he was not thinking in God’s way, make us think of our response to Jesus many times.

The fact that Peter could be a stumbling stone did not mean that he ceased to be the rock. Peter, like every human being, was complex. He was a mixture of wheat and weeds, to use an image from one of Jesus’ parables. In spite of his failings, Jesus appointed Peter as the rock, the focal point, of the new community he came to form.

Remember, the Lord keeps faith in us even after we have failed Him, and works powerfully in and through flawed human beings: “The Lord writes straight even with crooked lines.” 

Tomorrow, we remember the 9/11 attacks which happened 20 years ago. In a special way, we pray for those who perished and their families who are still in agony today. We pray for sustained peace and renewed hope, and for God’s loving presence in our time of need.

On Sunday, exactly a year ago, our very own Rob Falco was ordained Permanent Deacon along with 15 other amazing men who affirmed their commitment to serve the Church. Saint Raymond’s is BLESSED to host them and their families for a simple reception following the 10:30AM Mass. Please remember them in prayers, and be assured of their prayers for us here and their respective parish communities!

Sono semipro grate,
Father Erick

(For the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time)